Sunday, 19 May 2013

Hello all my crafty friends,long time no see.

Sorry I have not posted for some time ,but as you know time flies by especially when so much is going on in your life.
Family life just seems so busy at the moment ,and there never seems enough hours in the day.

I have finally set myself some goals today, and one was to catch up on my blogging,so here I am .
As you may or may not know I am part of a craft group in Lowton ,Warrington in the UK.
We meet up every other Wednesday, and we have a small demo/craft along with all the members.
We have been concentrating on papercrafts and have been making a range of boxes,bags and various embellishments.

We have also had Rachel, another member, show us how to make fabric embellishments, this was a great session ,but up to now I do not have any photies to show you all.
Time ran short at this session so I never managed to take the photographs as I usually do
 Hopefully I will get some at the next meeting and I will post them for you .
I know a couple of the ladies complted cards with these ,so I will try and get some photographs off them all.
Once again THANK YOU Rachel, the session was brilliant.

The pictures below are from the previous session,so please accept my appologies for not posting them sooner.
This was the style of boxes and bags that I had done at the prevoius session, and two ladies brought the ones in that they had made at home.
Jackie W made the ones below ,I do not know how she never managed to eat the choccies she had put inside them.
The little flat bag would you believe was a plain old envelope, and I showed the members how to make them into little decorated bags.
I am sure you will agree that Jackies bag is gorgeous and has a lovely country style feel to it.


 Michelle another member brought her baskets in ,which she had also made at home.
They too where gorgeous,and it was fantastic to see that the ideas from the group have been used at home .
I love the way in both the members had adapted the original baskets,boxes and bags which I had demonstrated to them.
It shows that everyone has their own crafting style and I just love this.

I have also been doing a little crafting,unfortunatley not too much this week.I have been having problems with my joints so have had to cut down on my crafting as they where causing me so much pain.

Here are the cards that I have made ,do hope you like them?
These are the large 8 x 8" cards which I have used a variety of stamping tecniques on.

Well everyone I will try to make sure that I keep up with my blogging ,and now I am off to watch the film Hoodwinked with my son.So goodnight, and will catch up with you all hopefully at the end of the week.
Nighty,Night and take care Xxxxxxxx

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